Be Inspired: gender equality

With the new year just around the corner, we want to give you some inspiration to kick off 2016. In January, we will publish our first of many monthly Netflix watchlists for Global citizens. Every month we will cover a new theme by offering a top 5 of movies and documentaries on that particular theme. Our January watchlist will be dedicated to women empowerment & equality (preview!). As a little introduction to the new monthly watch-list, an inspiring video by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

It’s quite tricky to introduce this woman to you. Not because she is scary or dangerous, but because the more you listen to her, the more you become aware of your own use of stereotypical labels. But as Ngozi said: “The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete”. So, in an attempt to give you a complete introduction. Let’s sum up some labels. Ngozi is a successful black African female writer and feminist.. Or more specifically, a Nigerian black female writer and feminist.

Isn’t it strange how this sum of labels seems to carry the heavy weight of judgement? Let’s just stick with: she is an inspiring personality and she might just have something to say that will interest you, show you a new perspective, give you a laugh and offer you some food for thought.

ENJOY and don’t be shy to share your thoughts.

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4 responses to “Be Inspired: gender equality

  1. Pingback: Be Inspired: David Bowie, the activist | HumanKind·

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